
Distinction Between the State and Government – Political Science

[ Distinction Between the State and Government ], The terms state and government have been used interchangeably and incorrectly. They have frequently been used interchangeably, as if there is no distinction between the two. In England, the Stuarts never distinguished between the state and the government. They used this to justify their total power. “I…

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Definition of State | Derivation | Elements

As previously said, Political Science is concerned with the State, the highest of all human relationships. The Greek term “polis” is most closely related to the English term “state.” “Polis” was the Greek name for “City States.” The phrase was appropriate because there were “city-states” in Greece at the time. “Political Science was largely municipal…

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Political Science | Definition | Nature | Scope ( Traditional Perspective )

Political Science is closely connected to the term “Politics,” which is derived from the Greek word “Polis,” which meaning a city-state, which was the general form of political organisation in ancient Greece. Thus, the origins of Western political thinking may be traced back to Greece. In Athens, the Sophists (roving teachers of wisdom), notably Protagoras…

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