Importance of Socializing


Importance of Socializing – Is socialization necessary? Does it really help individuals become human and express themselves more fully and effectively? Is it important to ensure stability, conformity, and continuity in society? Or is it important to ensure the expression of individuality? Will it hinder it? Wouldn’t it prevent the expression of individual free will and reduce it to the level of a small fragment of unattractive social coherence? Wouldn’t that make his life even more miserable? These are some of the questions relevant to the discussion about the importance of socialization.

Centuries ago in Europe, there was a widespread belief that civilization had corrupted the basic good nature of humans and that primitive peoples were the only “pure” people left. Noble Savage published many novels that were read by people who had never read a novel before. For example, J.J. writes: In his book “Emile” (1762).

Rousseau advocated raising children in the forest so that society would not undermine their natural advantages. Most sociologists do not agree that socialization inevitably leads to misery. “Although it is true, as Freud suggested, that we must refrain from satisfying many impulses, we learn to guide others in a direction that satisfies us within our own society. ” As Metta Spencer and Alex Inkeles point out, “Experience in society will make you not a “noble savage” but an ugly animal insensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. ”

Society can give people some freedom from their impulses, but never complete freedom. Freud was right. “Civilization itself requires a degree of self-denial for the sake of beauty, cleanliness, and social order.” We are not forced to choose whether or not to socialize our children; All you have to do is how to socialize. Social research can reveal many factors related to this topic. Of course, no amount of research can provide a foolproof formula for parenting. No education can fix a person’s character so firmly that it can never be changed. The importance of sociability in our lives cannot be overstated.

The explanation below will make it very clear.

  1. Socialization transforms human beings, who are biological beings, into human beings, who are social beings. Humans are not naturally social. Through the process of socialization, he becomes sociable. Various examples such as Kaspar Hauser, Anna, and the “Wolf Children” of India make it very clear that newborns acquire a social personality only through continuous training.
  2. Socialization contributes to personality development. Individuality is a product of society. Without groups and society, people cannot develop their individuality. However, socialization is the process by which a newborn’s personality is formed and formed. The socialization process prepares the child for an accepted social life. At the same time, it gives individuals enough freedom to develop their individuality.
  3. It helps you stay disciplined. Socialization is social learning. Social learning is essentially learning the rules of social behavior. Through socialization, the child learns not only the rules of social behavior, but also values, ideals, goals and objectives in life, as well as the means to achieve them. Socialization disciplines individuals and helps them live according to society’s expectations.
  4. Helps take on different roles. Every person has to play different roles in life. Each role is normatively woven and associated with different attitudes. The socialization process helps individuals not only learn the norms associated with roles but also develop appropriate attitudes to perform those roles.
  5. Provide knowledge about skills. Socialization is a method of teaching newborns certain skills necessary for normal social life. These skills help individuals fulfill economic, professional, educational, religious, and political roles in later life. For example, in primitive societies, transmitting skills for specific occupations to younger generations was an important aspect of socialization.
  6. It helps you develop the right pursuits in life. Each person can have their own aspirations, ambitions, and aspirations in life. All these aspirations do not necessarily coincide with social interests. Some may even conflict with the community’s interests. However, through the process of socialization, individuals learn to develop aspirations that complement the interests of society. Socialization will help direct all your energies towards achieving these goals.
  7. Contribute to the stability of social order. Through the process of socialization, each new generation is trained according to society’s cultural goals, ideals, and expectations. It ensures the cultural continuity of society. At the same time, it provides ample room for diversity and newness. Not every new generation needs to restart their social life. You can comfortably draw on previous generations and follow their cultural traditions. In this respect, socialization contributes to the stability of social order.
  8. Helps reduce social distancing. Socialization can reduce social distance and bring people together if given proper attention. Providing appropriate education and guidance to children in early childhood can reduce social distance between people of different castes, races, regions, religions and occupations.
  9. Provide room to build a bright future. Socialization is one of the most powerful tools for changing human destiny. Through the process of socialization, a society can produce a generation that lives up to its expectations. Providing proper education to newborn children can make a huge difference to the next generation. “Improved socialization offers one of the greatest opportunities for the future transformation of humanity and human society.” – Kingsley Davis
  10. Helps in the transmission of culture. Socialization also contributes to cultural continuity by passing on cultural content such as ideas, beliefs, language, and skills from generation to generation.

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Reference Books | Importance of Socializing

  • C.N. Shankar Rao – Principle of sociology with an introduction to social thoughts
  • Introduction to Sociology by Anthony Giddens
  • A Dictionary of Sociology by John Scott
  • Sociological Theory by George Ritzer
  • Handbook of Indian Sociology by Veena Das
  • Social Change in Modern India by M N Srinivas

Sources | Importance of Socializing

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