Charter act of 1853 – legal history
The charter act of 1853 introdused second,third and fourth law commission which are as followings ; Second Law Commission | Charter act of 1853 The second law commission was appointed on november 29, 1853 for a period of 3 years under the chairmanship of sir john romilly. There were seven members in law commission. This…

Charter act of 1833 – legal history
According to the Charter Act of 1833, the commercial activities of the companies were ceased and it was made an administrative body for the annexation of British India. All India legislature was established in India by this charter. Lord Macaulay was appointed to the Council as the Law Member of the Governor-General. A law passed…

Privy council – legal history
The Privy Council was a judicial body which heard appeals from various courts of the British colonies including India. The origin of Privy Council can be traced back to the Norman Period of English in 1066, when the King-in-Council came to be regarded as the court of last resort in case of default, defects or…

Appeals from india – legal history
Appeals from india to privy council i.e crowns court and the companies Court lay to the privy council. Appeals from Mayor court Appeals from mayor court lay to the governor general and Council if the value of cases up to 1000 Pagoda and if cases value exceeding more than 1000 Pagoda than appeal lay to…

Federal court of india – legal history
Federal court of india,The Government of India Act, 1935 made provisions to establish a Federal Court in India. The Court was formally inaugurated on the 1st October, 1937. The Viceroy administered the oath of allegiance to the first 3 judges of the Court: Sir Maurice Gwyer (Chief Justice); and 2 puisne judges, Sir Shah Muhammad…