Meaning of Equality | Types – Political Science


By equality, we imply that all men are equal and should be entitled to equal treatment and income. “Men are born, and always will be, free and equal in their rights”.” “We consider these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal”.” But this is not true in practise. In terms of physical constitution, capacity, and temperament, no two guys are alike.

“Equality does not mean the sameness of treatment or the sameness of reward. If a bricklayer gets the same reward as a mathematician or a scientist, the objective of society will be defeated.” Equality, therefore, means, first and foremost, the absence of social privilege.In the second place it means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”,”

Meaning of Equality – Equality means absence of special rights and equal chances to everyone for his development.

Types of Equality

There are following kinds of equality:

(1) Social Equality

(2) Political Equality

(3) Civil Equality

(4) Economic Equality

(5) Equality of Opportunity and Education.

Social Equality

Social equality implies that all citizens are entitled to equal status in society and that no one is entitled to special treatment. There should be no distinctions based on caste or creed, colour or race, groups or classes, clans or tribes. Everyone should be given an equal opportunity to develop his or her personality. In India, all inhabitants have social equality.

Untouchability has been abolished, and its practise is no longer permitted. Previously, racial discrimination was practised in the United States of America, but Johnson 1, Ex-President of the United States of America, achieved social equality by getting the Bill passed by Congress.

South Africa continues to practise racial discrimination. There is still social imbalance there. The United Nations Organization issued the Charter of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, emphasising socioeconomic equality. However, according to Amnesty International, a number of governments have abused these rights in the past.

Political Equality

Political equality refers to everyone having equal access to political authority. All citizens must have comparable political rights, a comparable voice in government operations, and equal opportunity to actively participate in the country’s political life and affairs. Political equality ensures that all citizens have the same political rights. A way to this objective is the Universal adult franchise. In India, universal adult suffrage has been implemented.

The similar provision has been made in England, the Soviet Union, the United States of America, France, and many other countries. Previously. Switzerland had not previously granted women the right to vote, but this was changed in February 1971.In Asia and Africa there are many countries where Political Equality has not been established.

Civil Equality

The enjoyment of equivalent civic liberties and civil rights by all citizens is liberty. Civil laws should treat all individuals equally. Superior and inferior, rich and poor, caste and creed, colour and race, clans and tribes, groupings and classes should not be discriminated against. The rule of law is in effect in England, and all are equal in the eyes of the rule of law. The rule of law ensures equal treatment for everybody. India is in a similar situation.

Economic Equality

Economic equality is inextricably linked to political equality. Professor Laski explains why economic equality is so important. “Political equality is never real unless it is accompanied by virtual economic liberty: otherwise, political authority is obliged to be the handmaid of economic power.” According to Lord Bryce, Economic Equality “is the attempt to expunge all differences in wealth. allotting to every man and woman an equal share in wordly goods”.

However, in practise, this goal of economic equality will never be realised. By economic equality, we mean providing equal chances to everybody so that they can make economic advancement. This is only possible in Socialism, not in Capitalism. As a result, capitalism should give way to socialism.

Equality of Opportunity and Education

By equality of opportunity and education, we mean that the state should provide equal and similar opportunities to all citizens. Everyone should have the same opportunity to get an education. They should have identical possibilities to grow as individuals. Discrimination of any kind, whether racial or otherwise, should be prohibited. There should be no distinctions based on caste and faith, colour and ethnicity, or wealth and poverty. In India, everyone has equal access to education and equal opportunity.

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What do you mean by Equality ?

Equality means absence of special rights and equal chances to everyone for his development.

Meaning of Social Equality ?

Social equality implies that all citizens are entitled to equal status in society and that no one is entitled to special treatment. There should be no distinctions based on caste or creed, colour or race, groups or classes, clans or tribes.

Meaning of Political Equality ?

Political equality refers to everyone having equal access to political authority. All citizens must have comparable political rights, a comparable voice in government operations, and equal opportunity to actively participate in the country’s political life and affairs.

Meaning of Civil Equality ?

The enjoyment of equivalent civic liberties and civil rights by all citizens is liberty. Civil laws should treat all individuals equally.


  1. Prof. S.L. Verma, Modern Political Theory
  2. R.C. Agarwal, Political Theory
  3. J.C. Johari, Political Science
  4. M.P. Jain, Political Theory liberal and Marxiam
  5. V.D. Mahajan, Political Theory


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