The Indian High Courts Act 1911 – Legal history


The Indian High Courts Act 1911, Certain amendments were made to the Indian High Court Act, 1861 by the Indian High Court Act 1911.

(1) Increase in the number of judges of the High Court

The maximum number of High Court judges in India including the Chief Justice was fixed to twenty.

(2) Power to establish additional High Courts | The Indian High Courts Act 1911

Her Majesty’s power under section sixteen of the Indian High Courts Act, 1861 may, from time to time, be exercised, and in any part of the territories within Her Majesty’s within that section a High Court may be established comprehensively.

Whether incorporated within the limits of the local jurisdiction of any other High Court; and, where such High Court is established in any part of such areas included within the limits of the local jurisdiction of another High Court, it shall be valid to ‘change the local jurisdiction of that other High Court by letter to Her Majesty’ and to make such incidental, consequential and supplementary provisions as may appear necessary by reason of the change of those limits.

(3) Appointment of Additional Judges | The Indian High Courts Act 1911

Subject to the provisions of section two of the Indian High Courts Act, 1861, as amended by this Act, regulating the number and qualifications of Judges, the Governor-General may, from time to time, appoint persons to act. It shall be lawful in the Council.

As an Additional Judge of any High Court for such period not exceeding two years may be required, and the Judges shall be appointed, while it shall be so; shall have all the powers of a Judge of a High Court appointed by His Excellency under section two of the said Act: Provided that such Additional Judges shall not be taken into account in determining the proportion referred to in the provision to that section.

(4) Salary of judges | The Indian High Courts Act 1911

The salaries of judges or temporary judges appointed under this Act shall be paid from the revenue of India.

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(1) Increase in the number of judges of the High Court
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(2) Power to establish additional High Courts……

Refrences Book

  • M. Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional History of India
  • M.P. Jain, Outlines of India Legal History
  • Indian legal and constitutional history by Dr. N. V. Paranjape
  • V.D. Kulshrestha, Landmarks in Indian Legal History
  • Rankin G.C. Background to Indian Law
  • A.B. Keith, Constitutional History of India



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